Gecmis haftamizda herzamanki gibi muhtesem gecti. Sezonun 8'ci haftasina girmis bulunuyoruz, geriye kaldi 4 kucuk haftacik sonrada gelsin DY destegi ;)
Bu haftanin iRacing haberleri ise sisteme 4 degisik model Aston Martin'in gelecegi, su an icin belli olan modeller Aston Martin Vantage GT3 ve Aston Martin DBR9.
Bu haftasonu özel bir etkinlige katilmak isteyenlere 14'cu Road Warriors yarisi var "SCCA Run Offs", yaris 30 dakikalik Mazda Laguna Secadan olusuyor ve yarisilacak araclar Mazda MX5 Cup, SCCA Spec Racer Ford ve Ford Mustang FR500S. Yaris basina hata marji 22, iRatinglere göre split, onlarinda siralamalarini atilan kvalifiyeler belirleyecek.
Hemen gecelim 8'ci haftamizin yaris serilerimize,...
Team Turkiye MotorSport 2014 Sezon3 Hafta 8 Yaris Serilerimiz -
- Skip Barber Serisi - Brands Hatch Circuit GP 15 tur
- Advanced Mazda Cup Serisi - Brands Hatch Circuit GP 25dk
- GT3 Challenge Serisi - Donington Park Racing Circuit GP 75dk
- World Sports Car Serisi - COTA 45dk
- Indycar Serisi Oval Fix - Pocono Raceway 30 tur
- Nascar C-Klas serisi Fix - New Hampshire Motor Speedway 40 tur
- Nascar B-Klas serisi Fix - Kentucky Speedway 45 tur
- 2014 sezon3 hafta 8'in en piskopat Yol versus Oval yaris kombosu -
Yol : Bu haftanin en piskopat arac/pist kombosu yukarida yazdigim tum yol yarislari serilerine ait. Skippy ve Advanced Mazda Cup serilerine gelince Brands Hatch'in zorlugu, GT3'e gelince Donington'un yeni bir pist olusuyla beraber 75 dakika uzunlugunda olmasi ve WSC serisi icinse multiklas ve de gayet zorlu olan COTA pistinde yarisilacagidir.
Oval: Bu haftanin en piskopat arac/pist kombosu Indy'le Pocono kombisi digerlerine cakar. Indy bildigimiz gibi iRacingdeki en guclu aractir, buna oval olmayan Poconoyu ekledinmi muazzam zorlu ve zevkli yarislar cikar ortaya.
Hepimize yeni haftamizda bol sanslar,
Team TÜRKİYE MotorSport Takimi 2014 Sezon 3 - Hafta 7 Sonuclari
- 2014 Sezon 3, Skippy Serisi Toplamda 3139 Yariscidan -
- TK, 116 Sampiyonluk Puaniyla 956'ci
- Burak, 39 Sampiyonluk Puaniyla 2209'cu
- 2014 Sezon 3, Skippy Serisi TimeTrial Turnuvasi Sonuclari - Toplam 669 Yariscidan -
- TK, 481 Sampiyonluk Puaniyla 21'ci
- 2014 Sezon 3, GT3 Challenge Serisi Toplamda 3365 Yariscidan-
- Eren, 345 Sampiyonluk puaniyla 584'cu
- Caner, 330 Sampiyonluk Puaniyla 611'ci
- Mert, 319 Sampiyonluk puaniyla 648'ci
- Bekir, 288 Sampiyonluk puaniyla 747'ci
- Emre, 225 Sampiyonluk puaniyla 997'ci
- Ozan, 149 Sampiyonluk puaniyla 1439'cu
- Fevzi, 132 Sampiyonluk puaniyla 1573'cu
- Husnu, 119 Sampiyonluk Puaniyla 1704'cu
- Volkan, 85 Sampiyonluk puaniyla 2077'ci
- TK, 81 Sampiyonluk puaniyla 2133'cu
- 2014 Sezon 3, GT3 Challenge TimeTrial Turnuvasi Sonuclari - Toplam 631 Yariscidan -
- Bekir, 183 Sampiyonluk puaniyla 68'ci
- Caner, 89 Sampiyonluk puaniyla 173'cu
- TK, 70 Sampiyonluk puaniyla 248'ci
- 2014 Sezon 3, WSC Serisi "HPD" Toplamda 820 Yariscidan -
- Bekir, 903 Sampiyonluk puaniyla 5'ci
- Fevzi, 406 Sampiyonluk puaniyla 71'ci
- Eren, 394 Sampiyonluk puaniyla 76'ci
- Volkan, 109 Sampiyonluk puaniyla 373'cu
- Emre, 7 Sampiyonluk puaniyla 787'ci
- 2014 Sezon 3, WSC Serisi "Riley" Toplamda 420 Yariscidan -
- Volkan, 54 Sampiyonluk puaniyla 251'ci
- 2014 Sezon 3, Advanced Mazda Cup Serisi - Toplam 1510 Yariscidan -
- Volkan, 239 Sampiyonluk puaniyla 225'ci
Bu hafta Eren GT3'te takim 1'ciligini ele gecirmistir, tebrikler. Bekir, gecen haftanin toplam 7'ciligine nazaran 2 sira atlayip 5'cilige yukselmistir. Fevzi ise WSC serisinde takim 2'ciligine yukselmistir. Husnu, buyuk bir surprizle bu hafta iRacing'e katildi ve GT3'te bir anda yukselise gecti, bu sezon 3 hafta kadar daha yarisirsa o zaman eminim ilk 300'e rahatlikla girer. Ben, bir turlu zaman yatirimi yapamadigimdan Skippy'nin TT'sinde bile geriledim, gecen hafta 16'ciyken bu hafta toplamda 21'cilige dustum. Eee, burasi iRacing, baska hicbir yere benzemez, arac ve piste yeterince yatirim yapmazsan olacagi budur :)
Ve son olarak herzamanki gibi iRacingin sahaneligini ortaya koyan guzel bir paylasim,...LINK
-Ne Mutlu Turkum Diyene-
Bilgiler için teşekkürler abi.
YanıtlaSilIracing Blackpain serisi ile bayağı bir ilgileniyor . Hatırlarsanız serinin nurburgring ayağındaki " nurburgring 1000 " yarışının sponsporu oldu. Aston Martin lisansı ile beraber sanki bu serinin lisansı da simexpo da açıklanabilir gibi bir his oluştu :)
Eyvallah Husnu,
YanıtlaSilUmarim öyle olur, gelecek sezona özellikle yol yaris serilerinde bayag bir degisiklik olacagini dusunuyorum.
Accuforce ile alakalı detaylar ortaya çıkmaya başlamış
General Overview
Performance: This wheel has been developed from the ground up to be second to none in the performance category. In my opinion, it's as close to a real vehicle as today's technology can provide. Significant amounts of testing effort, telemetry analysis and real world driver / team feedback have gone into the development of this product. I'm looking forward to upcoming reviews, comparisons and sharing further detail.
Price: As low as it can be without compromising performance. I'm sorry, that's somewhat vague, but we're still deciding on things like final packaging, how much torque is too much torque (read dangerous), etc. I don't want to spout off any estimates at this point and risk misleading anyone.
Wheel Selection and "Modability": This system has been designed with wheel modders in mind. We not only embrace the concept of 3rd party add-ons to the wheel, we're seeking out modders to learn how we can provide the best platform for their current and future products. If you produce aftermarket wheel products and have not yet been contacted, please, reach out to us. We'll be glad to consider your input.
Manufacturing: This AccuForce wheel will be manufactured in the United States and Germany to ensure the highest possible product quality.
Durability: Most of our products have to live in sim centers and constant consumer abuse scenarios. Durability and long life have been key design factors since the beginning of this project.
When: When it's bulletproof. We're excited to share the new technologies we've developed to make this wheel possible but we want to ensure the same SimXperience quality that you've come to expect over the last 5 years. At this time, we expect an initial AccuForce release this year.
The AccuForce Series of Steering Systems offers three consumer product variants:
AccuForce Pro MOMO Edition
-Priced under $2000 USD
-Includes genuine Momo steering wheel. Choice of three wheel options.
-Includes SimXperience quick release system with gold contacts (suitable for use on real race car)
-Includes Carbon Fiber / Aluminum paddle shifters
-Includes adjustable wheel button box
-Accommodates a wide variety of real world racing steering wheels
-Robust Force Feedback Management and Analysis software suite.
-Custom Direct Drive Motor provides extreme response
-Includes SimXperience AccuForce controller box
-Includes FREE dashboard software (usable on phones and PC monitors)
-Includes FREE In game Heads Up display dashboard software
-No belts to absorb force feedback detail or wear and stretch
-Desktop Mount Available but rig mounting is highly suggested
-Encoder Resolution - 16,000 PPR (Pulses Per Revolution)
AccuForce Pro
-Priced less than the AccuForce Pro Momo Edition
-Includes SimXperience steering wheel
-Includes SimXperience quick release system with gold contacts (suitable for use on real race car)
-Includes Carbon Fiber / Aluminum paddle shifters
-Includes adjustable wheel button box
-Accommodates a wide variety of real world racing steering wheels
-Robust Force Feedback Management and Analysis software suite.
-Custom Direct Drive Motor provides extreme response
-Includes SimXperience AccuForce controller box
-Includes FREE dashboard software (usable on phones and PC monitors)
-Includes FREE In game Heads Up display dashboard software
-No belts to absorb force feedback detail or wear and stretch
-Desktop Mount Available but rig mounting is highly suggested
-Encoder resolution - 16,000 PPR (Pulses Per Revolution)
AccuForce DIY - A DIY Kit of Motor, Controller and Cables.
YanıtlaSil-Priced less than the AccuForce Pro
-Robust Force Feedback Management and Analysis software suite.
-Custom Direct Drive Motor provides extreme response
-Includes SimXperience AccuForce controller box
-Includes FREE dashboard software (usable on phones and PC monitors)
-Includes FREE In game Heads Up display dashboard software
-No belts to absorb force feedback detail or wear and stretch
-Encoder resolution - 16,000 PPR (Pulses Per Revolution)
For Modders
As mentioned above, we've done our best to facilitate the modding community. To that end, the following are available individually:
-Quick release
-Carbon fiber / aluminum paddle shifter modules
-Adjustable Wheel Button Box complete with electronics and quick release (accommodates a wide variety of real world steering wheels).
We will also provide some basic wiring diagrams to assist the modding community rather than waste your time reverse engineering.
Other Info
Here are some possibly interesting AccuForce related reads that discuss force feedback steering systems or our Sim Commander 4 software suite that provides vehicle / venue specific tuning. For example, visual force feedback clipping displayed on a track map, and many other such innovations.
Paylasim icin tesekkurler,
YanıtlaSilZamani geldiginde AccuForce'da olabilir, benim icin AccuForce'un en buyuk avantajlarindan birkaci...
- Fiyat versus performans, AccuForce'a en yakin, ayni veya daha ustun 3 tane direksyon sistemi var Bodnar, Ecci7000, EC Simhardware Pro SW.
- Saglamlik, tum direksyon ve parcalari Amerika ve Almanya'da yapiliyor ve ilk ve en önemli kurallari AcciForce'un fuar ortami yerlerde dahi bozulmadan, performans dususu yasamadan calismasi ergo senin - benim elimde bu direksyon seti torunlarimiza bile kalir.
- UI, Fanatec'in en buyuk avantajlarindan biri direksyon uzerindeki her turlu ayarlari yaris aninda - istedigin zaman - istedigin sekilde ayarlayabilmen. AccuForce gercek High-End direksyon sistemi oldugu halde kullanis yönunden UI'si en rahat olani olacak.
- AccuForce'un Pro versiyonu tam tekmil, neredeyse eksiksiz gelmesi buyuk avantaj.
Eger amacin en gercekci hissiyat, FFB vs. vs., hicbir sekilde - hicbirseyden kisilmamis "Profesyonel" bir alet istiyorsan Bodnar akar fakat yari fiyatindanda az ve kullanisi biraz daha rahat olan ve Fanatec/T500/Logitech gibi cocuk oyuncagi olarakta görulmeyen ve son model teknolojiyi kullanan DD direksyon seti istiyorsan AccuForce gayet saglam bir secenek olur.
Bring it OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ;)